Wednesday 24 October 2012

How to use marquee tool in adobe photoshop

how to use marquee tool in adobe photoshop
In this post we are going to learn about 'Marquee tool' in Adobe Photoshop.

Marquee tool is used to select particular area in an image. 
  • You can select an area with marquee tool in rectangular shape and circular shape. 
  • You can also select 1 pixel row and 1 pixel column in an image. 
  • You can move your selection anywhere. 

There are 4 types of marquee tools. Lets learn and discuss these tools with examples.

Open any image as you learned in previous post. And create duplicate copy of this image for editing.

1.) Rectangular marquee tool  (rectangular marquee tool ) :
Select Rectangular marquee tool (rectangular marquee tool 2 ) from tool box by clicking on highlighted arrow (  marquee tool arrow ) as shown in the image. Select rectangular marquee tool from the pop down window as given below:
 marquee tool drop down box 
Now, to make your selection click near the area you want to select by pressing left mouse button ,hold it down and drag the marquee to exact location. After completing your selection area release the left mouse button. 

Now you will see a blinking border around your selection aas shown in the image given below.
This is called marquee selection. 

marquee tool blonking border selection
2.) Elliptical Marquee tool ( ellipical marquee tool ):If you want to select an area in circular or elliptical shape then use this tool. All the steps are same as Rectangualr marquee tool. 

3.) Single row marquee tool (single row marquee tool ): to make selection with this tool single click is required.

4.) Single column marquee tool(single column marquee tool ) : same as single row marquee tool. 

Big advantage of selecting particular area in an image is that you can apply changes to selected area only. 
For example in above image if I want to put red color in girls’s right eye I'll do this as given below. 

1. I'll use elliptical marquee tool to make my selection.
marquee tool -red eye example
2. Select Brush tool from tool box. Set forground color to red. And set mode in option bar to multiply . Drag in the image and paint with your brush tool. Now notice one thing , your brush tool will not work on the area that is not selected. 

Have a look at the following shown image to see the applied effect.

I have tried my best to make this tutorial easy to understand. I hope you enjoyed it!
Try this tutorial and share your experience with us. Good Luck

If you face any problem No Waywhile trying this tutorial then please feel free to ask I'll sort out your problem as soon as possible.

 Leave your valuable comments !

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