Tuesday 2 October 2012

How to add, delete and create duplicate layers in Adobe Photoshop

In our previous post we learned about 'Layers in Adobe Photoshop'.
In this post we will learn smiley1How to add , delete  and  create a duplicate layer.

I have tried to explain the easiest way, I hope you will like for sure.enjoy smiley

First, either create a new document or open any existing image that you like. 
For both appropriate steps are given below: 

Create a new document: 
Go to File menu > select New option >set all the fields as you like in the window that will be displayed> press OK.
Your new document is ready. 

Open an existing image
Go to File menu > select Open option > a window will be displayed as given below.Now you can take the help of the image shown below to do the remaining steps. 

Your new image will be opened as shown below:
(Note: Don’t edit original image. Always create a duplicate image of an original image so that original image remains the same for future use. Its called backup of an image. Go to Image menu > select duplicate option.) 

|| Add new layer ||

Pick any one option from the alternate options given below : 
Option 1: Press Shift+ctrl+N key combination > Enter the name of the layer in name field > press OK

Option 2: Go to Layers menu > New > Layer > Enter the name of the layer in name field > press OK

Option 3: Click on the ‘create a new layer’ button at the bottom of layers palette as shown in the image given below: 


A new layer will be added as shown below: 


|| Delete existing Layer ||

Pick any one option from the alternate options given below : 

Option 1: Select the layer which you want to delete. Go to Layers menu > select Delete option> Layer >click on the Yes button. 

Option 2: Select the layer which you want to delete> click on the ‘delete layer’ button (delete-button) at the bottom right corner of the Layers Palette> click on the Yes button. 

|| Create duplicate Layer ||

Select the layer whose replica you want to create. 
Go to Layers menu > select Duplicate layer option> Enter the name of the duplicate layer in AS: field >click on the OK button. 

Duplicate layer will be added as shown below.

 Our topic is finally done. I hope you enjoyed it. 

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If you have any queries then feel free to ask !  
And Leave your valuable comments.


Unknown said...

Great post...It's very helpful for beginner like me , keep posting...

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